Monday, August 01, 2005

Six Years Old

Each time your "baby" has a birthday, a mom can't help but think about the day he was born. R will be six years old tomorrow.

I know it doesn't sound old to all of you been-there-done-that moms, but to me, he's old!

This is the boy who...

... took over 72 hours of pitocin-induced labor to get into this world.

... knew over 50 baby sign language by the time he was 16 months old.

... always wants to please and gets terribly upset if he's disappointed me.

... gets so excited some times that he can't help jumping up and down and up and down with pure joy.

... wants to be a pilot, a soldier, a firefighter, a policeman, and a stay-at-home dad when he grows up.

... has the sweetest smile a mom could ever want to see.

... says, "I'm not trying to complain or anything" before he says anything that might be taken as an insult so he won't hurt your feelings.

... loves to teach his younger brother anything at any time.

... loves to learn anything at any time (and then explain it to you ad nauseam once he's learned it)

This is my first born, and he's six tomorrow...


CaliforniaGrammy said...

"always wants to please and gets terribly upset if [she's] disappointed me...has the sweetest smile a mom could ever want to see...loves to learn anything at any time (and then explain it to you ad nauseam once he's learned it" . . . hmmm. . . sounds like his mommy! What a great picture too! Happy Birthday Big Six-Year-Old R!!"

Middle America Mom said...

I know, I know! I was laughing as I was writing it because it sounded like me so much :>

Aunt Patty said...

Sounds like a great kid to have around, except for the ad nauseum part. But even that would be O.K. if he's like you S.! Please give him a Happy Birthday hug from A.P.

SeattleS said...

What a sweetie! Uh...72 hours? Oh Lord.

Happy (belated) Birthday R!