Saturday, April 23, 2005

A Nice Spring Snow?

Last week when it was 80 degrees, I thought about putting away the winter clothes (boots, jackets, mittens, gloves, scarves, snow pants, etc.) but I played/worked outside in the sunshine instead. Well, good thing I didn't....yep, it's snowing. And the snow is sticking. I ran out and cut the beautiful daffodils so that they could live a bit longer inside. They were wilting with little pieces of ice stuck to them outside in the 34 degree weather with the snow coming down all around them. Craziness! Neighbors say, "Welcome to Michigan" when I exclaim that it's just not right to have snow on April 23. The guy at the video store said "welcome to Michigan" when I said I was renting videos because it was going to snow over the weekend. The funny thing is that EVERYBODY talks about the snow, not just me. So, it must be a *bit* unusual, right?...if everybody talks about it?

1 comment:

CaliforniaGrammy said...

Yes indeed it MUST be a BIT UNUSUAL! I mean, really, snow when it's only eight weeks away from SUMMER! Hellooooooo! Spring is from March 20 to June 21 -- well -- at least in THIS part of the country! However, it is only in the 50s here today so our spring is hiding in the clouds right now. But maybe if you put the winter clothes away spring will come faster???? Love you all!