Monday, November 03, 2008

"Fall Is" by R

Here is a poem that R brought home from school. It was displayed on the wall in his classroom during October:

Fall is what you see when you see the color of distinct leaves.
Fall is what you feel when you feel the endless piles of leaves and the hay on a hay ride.
Fall is what you hear when you hear kids playing in leaves and the ring of a bow in deer season.
Fall is what you taste when you taste warm apple cider with pumpkin pie.
Fall is what you smell when you smell a turkey feast on Thanksgiving and candy corn on Halloween.
It is quite poetic...and quite mid western with the deer hunting (LOL). By the way, R made the honor roll at school with over a 3.5 GPA (he's getting one B and the rest A's). M and I went to the school rally this morning to see him get his Honor Roll ribbon -- we're so proud, man.

The second grade doesn't have an honor roll, but if they did, T would have a ribbon too. He's getting one 3 and the rest 4's (just like one B and the rest A's.) We feel that we made a good choice when we switched them to this charter school.


A.J. said...

What a beautiful poem! I'm going to print it out and put it up on my fridge. I love fall, and R really captures the essence of it with that poem.

And way to go with the honor roll and good grades too!

P.S. I finally googled Dog the bounty hunter, so now I know.

CaliforniaGrammy said...

"Fall Is" is an awesome poem, and I'm so proud of you, R. With how you describe fall, even a blind person could "see" fall through your words. Good job!

I'm so glad you both are doing so well in your new school. Keep up the good work! You both fill our hearts with pride!

jennavar said...

What a great poem and a great way to identify the five senses through Fall. Good Job R! I think you made a good choice too with the charter school.

CaliforniaGrammy said...

Thanks, jennavar, for pointing out the use of the five senses. I had to go back and read "Fall Is" once again, and you're right. Good job, R. . . what a clever idea you had!

grandmaonthelake said...

Smartie Pants!
Love the fall poem, it says it all. I swear I could smell that pumpkin pie you were talking about...yumo.
Great poem-Great grades-Great Grandson!
T you are a very "silly" and "smart" grandson.
We love you both bunches & bunches.