A few weeks ago, we borrowed another Sunfish from our sailing club and the boys were able to compete in a regatta. They were the only two Sunfishes racing (there was also another type of boat racing in the regatta. It was great to watch from the "Committee Boat" where I had the job of being the race official who signed the boats into the race and recorded what place they got when they finished. Being in the middle of the lake made for some good photo opportunities.
Earlier in the day, T said that he wanted to go sailing. Now, he had never sailed completely by himself before. His dad was either on the boat with him or out on the lake with him in a different boat nearby. M knew that T was ready to go solo and helped him rig the boat and sent him off to "learn how the boat worked with the wind." My baby out on the lake by himself? My mama bear instinct kicked into high gear and I stayed way out on the dock keeping an eye on him while M smiled and shook his head. M knew that there was hardly any wind and that T would be fine. I didn't take that for granted an watched him and I got a lot of pictures.
The boy who doesn't like sailing looks like he's having a pretty good time after all.
Here's his bro coming out to race!
They catch some wind and begin the race, neck and neck.
T got an early lead in the race and kept it for more than half of the race. He even rounded the mark ahead of R. How good that must of felt for him, to be ahead of his older brother! I hear from R that T kept turning around and shouting "tips" to R the whole time that he had the lead.
His lead didn't last the whole race. Here is where R is taking the lead. It looks like T is looking back wondering why R isn't still back there. R did win the race.
In the end, both boys were thrilled with their own performances. T was so proud to have the lead for so long, and R was so proud to finish first. What a great race!Taking the boats back home, R stands up like he's seen his dad do.
Fantastic post, SSR. What great pictures. And ya gotta love the ear to ear grin on T's face. And I love the standing up at the end . . . way to go boys, way to go! They've been well taught, M. And "mama bear" . . . you're pretty awesome too!
Wowee!! Both sailing on your own way to go. As a mom isn't it nice to sit and take pictures instead of worrying about them not knowing how to swim or being too tired because they didn't have a nap etc... It is a nice stage!
So cute!
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