As you know, M is the Cubmaster of the boys' Cub Scout pack. He puts his heart into it and is doing a great job. He has grown the Pack from 8 boys when we first joined three years ago to 27 boys last year and 48 boys this year. Word on the street is that we are a really fun Pack and lots of boys want to be a part of it. He's learned a lot along the way, including how to recruit other volunteer parents; how to delegate; and how to get up in front of the kids and make a fool of himself so that the kids laugh.
Here are the action shots:
You can see the excitement from the boys. Who will take the first swipe at M's hair?

They all crowd around to see the action.

And now, the "after" shot. As I said before, what a trooper!

The biggest fundraiser of Cub Scouts is popcorn sales. The Pack gets 28% of the sales, which is pretty impressive. Last year our Pack raised $11,000, which was the most ever raised by this Pack. So, M set a goal of $15,000 for this year and said that if that goal was met, the Cub Scouts could shave his head. Well, you do the calculations. With 27 boys we raised $11K, so what should we have raised this year with 48 boys. If you said about double, you were right --we raised just over $20,000. So, M let the boys shave his head.
Here is the before picture:
You can see the excitement from the boys. Who will take the first swipe at M's hair?
They all crowd around to see the action.
Here is T getting ready for his turn. You can see that M is still smiling -- what a trooper!
R was pleased as punch to help cut his dad's hair off.
And now, the "after" shot. As I said before, what a trooper!
What a hoot! The best thing is, M doesn't look at all bad with a shaved head. I just love seeing how tickled the boys are! And yes, M is a trooper!
What a sport you are, M. And what a great idea. Now what is that cub pack gonna do with well over five thousand bucks? What a great experience for the boys. Ya gotta love the excitement of the boys waiting in anticipation to take a swipe at your head!
P.S. By the way, you're doing great job in growing your pack, too! Those boys and their parents are lucky to have you!
Mike -You are awesome!! You are a great troop builder and now you will be one of the first to know when it starts raining. Take it from one who knows.
What an awesome pack leader you are M! Not too many boys can say they shaved their dads' head, let alone a whole pack of cub scouts. Now when word gets out, your pack might double in size. Certainly an original idea. Way to go!!
Wow!! I'm impresse! Great fundraising efforts. And I would have loved to be there to see the head get shaved. I'm glad you are having such a great time in the pack. Great job!
Hats off to you, M. or should I say M be sure to keep your hat on??? The smiles on all your scouts are precious & they'll never forget this cub pack meeting.You are truely "making a difference" for all those boys and their families!
I'm a proud mom.
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