But it was over. The snow was gone. It was sunny. I was ecstatic. Then Friday came. And it brought a "winter storm." That meant 11 inches of show. No, I'm not kidding. Good Friday was a snowy day. And it was the day that the Smiths drove to have Easter with us. What was usually a four hour drive took them seven and a half hours. What a bummer!
Here is a picture that I took on Easter Sunday -- showing the snow and icicles on a bush.
The great part is that they made it and we had a nice weekend.
We had a tasty fish taco dinner on Friday night (thanks, AJ, for the great recipe!) We slept in, had a good breakfast (eggs, sausage, toast, berries, kringle) and then dyed Easter eggs on Saturday.
The next morning was Easter and the boys got on their Easter clothes. Both were proud of their duds. T was happy with his, but he wished that he had a tie. I told him that next year he can have a tie. (He loves getting dressed up. For the Christmas program at school, the teacher told them to wear their best clothes to the concert. T wanted to get a tuxedo because that's "the best." He was actually quite disappointed that I said 'no.' He said that we got him one for Uncle D's wedding, and this was just as fancy. Alas, he wore a Christmas sweater and slacks, much to his disappointment!) Anyway, don't they look so grown up?!
Here is T showing off his argyle socks that the Easter bunny game him. He loves a complete outfit.
Grandma and grampa were proud of their grandsons. We had a great Easter!
I'm in shock that it snowed and even icicles had a chance to form, what's up with all that? The menu was so yummo sounding, and I bet the lamb was succulent and grilled to perfection. And the table setting— Martha would be and I am so proud. My grandsons are, indeed, growing up so. Ya gotta love those argyle sox!
Sounds like you had a fantastic Easter. I can't beleive how much snow you got over the entire winter. How have you managed to live with that?!?!
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