R had four teeth fall out in 10 days.
#1 Fell out at Aunt Shari's coffee bar in California
#2 Fell out was knocked out by his brothers bony bottom (when he sat/thumped/crashed down on R's face while wrestling)
#3 came out while I was reading Narnia as a bedtime story. R kept working it and working it, then said, "here's another one, mom"
#4 Fell out at about 8:30 pm after R had been in bed for half an hour. I didn't know it was so close to coming out. Evidently, he did, since he spent that half an hour wiggling it back and forth in bed.
Now that he is missing four teeth, he can't bite into anything at all. Whenever I see him with his hands in his mouth, I say, "stop wiggling your teeth! You won't be able to eat anything!" R seems to think that is funny.
He went from being the "only boy in second grade with all his baby teeth in his mouth" to a crazy looking jack-o-lantern boy who is as pleased as punch (that's a saying that you start saying when you start getting old -- pleased as punch.) You'll see in the picture below that not only does his mouth look crazy, but he needs a haircut REALLY BAD. He is completely missing his top two teeth and his new ones on the bottom are barely coming in.
Just to prove that he has all of his baby teeth, here is T doing some sort of cheer on his birthday last month (maybe he was just excited that he got to have birthday cake for breakfast! After, of course, eating yogurt so his mom would feel like she wasn't a terrible mom for feeding her kid cake for breakfast.)
Ahhhh... he does look pleased as punch. I love that picture of R. WOWEE four teeth in 10 days. He has kept the TF busy these days. Thanks for the post sis. Love ya!
Love that Pumpkin Boy picture - it's the ear-to-ear smile that just makes me smile right back. And who ever heard of birthday cake for breakfast? Besides Bill Cosby . . . since it is made of wheat, milk, and eggs . . . Four teeth in ten days . . . he's gonna break the TF if he keeps that up!
Atta boy R!! you look handsome missing 4 teeth! I like the way you look when your pleased as punch! And T certainly looks pleased as punch with birthday cake for breakfast! Sure loved the blog S!
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