Last year I got really sick on Christmas night and was sick for a week. This year I got really sick on the Thursday before Christmas and was sick for a week. I hate this trend! On the Wednesday before Christmas, I was up with T from 12-3 while he proceeded to throw up on every bed he laid on (specifically, his bed on the very-hard-to-reach-top-bunk, and the guest bed). When I went into his room the first time he got sick, he was kneeling over this mound of barf (sorry for the details, but if I had suffer through it, I'm gonna make you suffer through it!). So, he was kneeling over this mound, and he looked up and said, "I got sick, but I didn't get it on any of my stuffed animals!) He was right, he didn't. Amazing. I got him out, cleaned him up, and got him settled in the guest bed -- with a big bowl next to him. I also gave him some good 'ole Pepto Bismol. After he fell asleep two hours later, I went down to bed. A half an hour after that, he came down and said, "I did it again and it's really pink!" ARghhh! After getting him cleaned up and settled down again, I went back to bed feeling a bit queasy. Sympathy nausea, I thought. I was wrong! I called in sick on Thursday and thought I was better on Friday, so I got a bunch of stuff done. By Saturday I knew I was not better and on Christmas day I thought I was going to die! I managed to take enough Imodium (we should be stock!) to make it through the three and a half hour car ride to M's folks' house, where I crawled up to bed and slept for three hours. M felt crappy too -- he had it too, but thankfully not as bad as I did. And, even more thankfully, nobody in the Smith house caught it! Enough about me, now here's Christmas.We each picked a present to open on Christmas Eve morning. I opened a present from my boys, which was researched and purchased by M. It's a new digital camera. I'm so lucky!! My old one frustrated me to no end because it didn't take good pictures indoors and I always missed the good pictures because I had to wait so long for it to take a picture after pressing the button. Here's the very first picture I took -- it's through a dirty window in the house. Yep, those are wild turkeys in our back yard!
The boys made cookies for Santa and got a carrot for Rudolph. (I'm still learning that I have to manually turn on the flash on my new camera, so some of the pictures are dark, but you get the idea.)

Here are the boys on Christmas morning -- seeing the wonder that Santa left them below.

M and I gave R a new bike. It's red and has really cool pin striping on it. He loves it and can't wait to ride it.

M designed and built an awesome art work bench for T. I had the joy of stocking it full of fun supplies. T loves it!

On the 27
th we went with the cousins to the King Tut exhibit at the museum. All of the kids really love it. Here are all five cousins doing their best "King Tut impression." (R is pretending his hands are the cobra on the head-dress.)

It was a fun time with the cousins!
Man oh man... this being sick on Christmas tradition has to stop! That is no fun at all. What a fun Christmas morning. What neat presents the boys were able to wake up to. What an awesome art workbench. Now he has all of his own supplies to do his art. Is his workbench going in your craft room? Too fun. I'm glad the cousins had fun. The CA cousins sure missed the MI cousins and asked if they were coming quite often. Can't wait to hear about the rest of the week. Did you go to the Delta? How was the wedding? etc. Love you all!! J
Oh, thanks so much for the graphic explanation of T's oral explosion!
The art workbench is totally awesome. I'm sure T absolutely love-love-loves it. So much fun and "necessary" stuff for a true craftsman/arteeeeest!
And the smile on R's face with his bike just makes me smile, too!
Cousins are the best, and this set is adorable. I love the Colorado redheads! Cute cute cute!
Aw man - I HATE being sick - and it sounds like you all got a nasty one. Please take care of yourselves...
It looks like Christmas was enjoyed by all, however! That workbench ROCKS! I want one! Especially chock full of handpicked supplies. Cool.
Take care!
I'm picturing the look on your face S when you saw the mound on T's bed. I can just picture your expression so well. That is the only real bummer about Christmas time, so many bugs going around.
So nice to see the pictures of the boys first look at Christmas, and the really cool things Santa brought. Good job by M with the art work bench,I'll bet T spends many happy hours there. I'm sure R will enjoy that cool bike. I'll bet Gramonthelake had a wonderful Xmas with all her grandkids there. What a handsome group of children! Glad you must have all recooped and feelin' better. I'm also glad you got a new digital camera cause we all love to see the pictures you send. I loved seeing the CA cousins on Xmas at JJ's and PD's. I hadn't seen them since Mother's day and they have all really grown. KL is taller than me.What fun we had together, they are all getting sooo big.I love being a great aunt almost as much as being a gramma. We sure missed you guys though. Love to all of you, AP
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