Here's the finished car. Doesn't it look cool? The lighting is bad in the top picture, but it shows off the tail really nicely. The bottom pic shows the "candy/metallic" paint job. Now, we have to wait until the end of the month to see this baby race!

That car is Way Cool, Man! Gorgeous! It really "looks professional!" And I love the oh-so-serious look on R's face . . . like he's going into surgery. Can't wait to hear how well it does in the big race. That's something I've never been a party to . . . pinewood derby. I think my brother might have been involved in one is his younger days, but that was oh-so-long-ago!
And M's injured arm - gheezo, I can feel the pain! Whoa, man . . . sure hope it's feeling better each day that passes.
The car does look very cool. That's a neat experience for both M and R. When and where is this Pinewood Derby? Does this car have a motor or how does it go?
M's arm looks like it's healing up nicely.Looks like eschar in that one picture. Glad it's healing so well.
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