After breakfast, T got to open his gifts, including a two-wheeler bike :> It's the same kind that he has at is preschool (a Trek) that he really loves. Too bad it was only 16 degrees outside -- too cold for biking. In the picture below, you'll notice T's "overeasy" pajamas (that's a term that he coined himself.)

After spending the morning playing with his new presents, we went to the mall to see the Curious George movie (cute, with great music) and the boys got haircuts. My oh my their hair grows fast.

For dinner, the boys made "half and half pizzas" --half alfredo sauce and half red sauce. They were great chefs....and the pizza wasn't too bad either. (As you can see, pizza making is VERY serious business.)

Oh-my-gosh . . . I didn't know you were home already. I feel really bad we didn't call T to sing . . . we'll have to save it for tomorrow cuz it's way too late to call now. T's haircut does make him look older than five. And those pancakes are so special. Did he eat them all? I love the over-easy jammies. And that bike! Wow! He's truly all grown up into a kid . . . not a baby boy any more!
Sounds like a very fun-filled day to me. And a movie to boot (or something like that). What a great breakfast and dinner. He does look extrememly handsome in his new haircut. Happy birthday big boy!
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