Sunday, July 25, 2010

A New Room!

R and T used to share rooms, but now they don't. They each have their very own rooms. Each was given a budget ($100, but was supplemented a bit) to decorate their rooms any way they wanted to. Today's blog is about T's room.

He is very proud of his room and is very comfortable in it. I love his sense of style -- and he has a definite sense of style. He is quite sure about what he wants and what he doesn't. I've shopped with him on-line and off quite a bit and I have a pretty good feeling for what he's going to like. He likes clean, modern lines. Nothing old fashioned, nothing with too much going on. But he does like bright colors. I took a bunch of pictures so you can see what I mean.

First, his wall color. It's orange. Really, really orange. I was opposed at first and tried to convince him to just have an accent wall of orange. But, if you've ever tried to convince T of something, you know that this didn't work out so well (especially if you initially told him that he could do whatever he wanted in his room!) He paid for the first gallon of paint out of his 100 bucks, and M and I paid for the second gallon when the first coat didn't cover up the previous color so well. (By the way, T is in M's old office. M moved his office to the basement.)

I still am having trouble uploading images that I have rotated, so you'll have to tilt your head to the side to see this one correctly. T picked out the bedding at Target and immediately fell in love with it. He loves how it incorporates his nice orange color "without being too girly" like some of the other orange-ish comforters. Notice the nice poster on the wall? That's a $12 IKEA purchase from when we went to Chicago a couple of weeks ago.

T picked out the lovely bright green curtains to compliment his walls and comforter set. I just love these bright colors. He got the curtains out of his budget, but supplemented it to get the cute black mini-papazon chair. He just discovered the green blanket in our garage this morning that he draped over the chair before our photo session. In the corner is that tall Japanese light that he got at IKEA for something like nine bucks. The boy knows how to work a budget.

M and I bought him the dresser. This was a garage sale find, after many, many garage sales. This is a good example of the clean lines that he likes. He bought the Beatles poster online. He was just going to pin it to the wall because he ran out of money, but I wanted it framed to look like art and to protect it, so I popped for the frame. The light fixture on the dresser was back in a corner in his old playroom, and was never used. He was pretty stoked to find it.

Tilt your head for viewing...Finally, his storage unit. M and I were going to buy each boy a bookcase, but T wanted this cube unit, so this replaces his bookcase. You'll see the caricature of him fencing that he bought at an amusement park as well as his prized pine wood derby trophies (right next to his big jar of plastic army men). His school supplies for the fall are in the bottom right corner. I have no idea what's in the colorful boxes because I didn't look.

Here he is in his favorite corner. You may notice notice the electric guitar. He saved up his money (most of it from a garage sale that he had) and bought it with his own money. I'm trying to arrange lessons for him that will start soon. I mentioned that his shirt matched his room. He said that he didn't plan to match, but it would look good on the blog.

T paid attention to every detail, including his alarm clock. He picked this one out because of the black and white art on it. The design is a replaceable card that can be exchanged with four different prints that came with it.

Despite his grownup room and his great sense of design, it's good to remember that he's still a kid, or a "tween" as he likes to call himself.

Thursday, May 27, 2010

Poetry Slam Finalist - The Poem

Here's the poem that R recited at his Poetry Slam, in which he was a finalist.

Iron Chef America

Iron Chef America,
You really can't be serious
The secret ingredient isn't sooo mysterious.

Iron Chef America,
I really don't care
For the Chairman's flipping out
In his sleek black wear.

Iron Chef America,
It's really kind of freaky
How all of your judges
Are all so food-geeky.

Iron Chef America,
What's wrong with this world?
You make cooking so bizarre, twisted, and swirled.

Although he makes fun of this show, it's one that he really likes. He even records it each week. He loves the competition and the interesting dishes. (He does think, however, that the Chairman is a bit dramatic...and he can't believe that there are so many non-chef, cooking experts in the world to judge.) If you've never watched Iron Chef, you should check it out....and think of R.

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Haiku Time

If you recall, when R was in 3rd grade, he studied haikus and we had a little poetry slam here on my blog. Well, T is at that point in his education too. Here is his haiku:

The Sea

Dolphins jump and play

Sting Rays gracefully glide by

Pretty coral reefs

So, your assignment is to write a haiku in my comments section. Go for it. It's fun !

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Mother's Day Poem

The boys baked a frittata using a recipe that they found in R's Star Wars cook book. They were so cute, working together. They didn't need any help from M or me. They're growing up so fast!

We're going to see a BNL concert this week, which is my mother's day gift and M's father's day gift. They boys get to go with us - luckys!

T wrote this at school for me for Mother's Day:

M most pretty
O outstanding in every way
T talented at everything
H honestly fun
E exciting
R really cool
S smart

D de best (you gotta love his creativity on this one!)
A awesome
Y you are great!

Friday, March 05, 2010

Blue and Gold 2010

Last Sunday was the Blue and Gold dinner for our Cub Scout pack. This is held every February to celebrate the birthday of Boy Scouts in the USA. We also give awards to the boys who have earned them and "cross over" our older boys to be Boy Scouts (from Cub Scouts.) This was a big day for boy R and T, especially for R because he got some very special awards.

Gramma and Grampa Smith drove in, as did Uncle D, Uncle D, and Aunt J.

R called the color guard, but I couldn't get a good picture of him. Here are the boys in his den saluting the flag.
T also got some awards -- silver arrow points, his bear badge, and six belt loops. We're so proud of him!

R was one of three (very serious) boys who got a very special award. It's called the Super Achiever award and is given to Webelos who have earned all 20 Webelos pins. What an achievement -- one that took them two years to complete.

R also received an award that has not been given out in over a decade in our pack -- simply because no boy had ever earned it. It's called the God and Me award. R worked with our pastor and had weekly homework over the first semester this year. That's Pastor Matt giving him the award. It's pretty cool and looks like a medal. R also gets to wear a special patch on his Boy Scout uniform and as an adult (if he helps out in scouting when he grows up) signifying his hard work.
During the Arrow of Light ceremony, moms and dad were asked to stand behind thier Webelos. That's the top of my head that you can see behind ever-growing R. Notice that neat wood Arrow of Light candle holder? M made that a couple of days before the ceremony. He's handy with wood like that!

Then the cross-over ceremony began. M asked the Boys Scouts to do the full-blown Native American ceremony. The Boy Scouts walked in to drums - it was cool. They then put blue and gold "war paint" on each boy. The blue is for virtue and the blue sky and the gold was for the sun, warmth, and loyalty.

Then R waited his turn on the bridge to cross over.

On the other side of the bridge were the Boy Scout adult leaders, ready to give him the Boy Scout neckerchief and the Boy Scout handbook. Conrats big guy! We're so proud of you!

Uriah Jones

During Black History month (February) T had to design a cereal box that featured a famous African American. He had to research his person on the internet and then design a box that told of the person's accomplishments.

Since T is into fencing, he chose Uriah Jones, an olympic fencer. Here he poses with his creation. Notice the big white foil (sword) going across the whole box with a small picture of Uriah Jones in the middle. I like the graphic way that T did Uriah's name on the box.

This is part of the back of the box with T's summary on it.

T also did a timeline of his life on the side of the cereal box.

Good job on a neat project, T!

Sunday, February 28, 2010

Viking Ship

T studied the Vikings in Social Studies and had to replicate a Viking Ship as a class project. He had fun with his dad making the ship. Here, it's almost finished. He just has some clips holding the shields onto the side of the ship. T wanted me to tell you that the ship has nothing to do with Cub Scouts. He was just working on it before a scout meeting, so he had his shirt on. Of course you noted that T is growing his hair out. My rule is that I need to be able to see his eyes. M's rule is that it needs to look neat. We'll see how it goes...

Friday, February 26, 2010

T spent about an hour creating the "tablescape" as he called it, for our Valentine dinner. He even polished the silver platter that the candles are sitting on. He was very proud, and I was too.

M hired R and T to be our waiters for Valentines dinner last week. M did the cooking (fabulous!) Both boys got dressed up and served us dinner. R explained what we were eating: "You will be having a tri-tip steak marinated nicely. You'll also be having warm dinner rolls and twice baked potatoes. For your wine, I am happy to serve you a 2006 zinfindel, which I think you will enjoy."

What an awesome dinner.

Sorry for the sideways picture, I'm having a terrible time getting them to stay rotated when I import them to blogger!

By the way, Today is T's birthday -- 9 years old! Happy Birthday!

Tuesday, February 23, 2010

Snuggle Buddies

The other night I found Mackinaw sleeping on her blanket with her head snuggled with her pet teddy bear. Too cute, huh? She opened her eyes when the flash went off, but didn't move. She just closed her eyes and went back to sleep.

Sunday, February 21, 2010

Skating on Gramma's Lake

Let's get caught up a bit, shall we?

During the first part of our Christmas vacation, we had a nice visit at Gramma and Grampa Smith's house. Fortunately for the kids, they have a lovely lake that was nicely frozen over. M took the snow blower and made a nice rink for T and R to skate on. R helped with the snow blowing too. He could go really fast because he had skates on.

T, who hasn't skated for more than a year, did really well. He loved being out on the ice outside without a bunch of other people around.
Of course, R had a great time too; being on ice is second nature for him since he's been skating for five years. They had a great time for nearly two hours on their own when good old uncle D showed up to join in the fun.

Uncle D and R played a little one on one. Forgive the fuzziness, I guess I didn't capture the action shot that well, but you get the picture.

After playing hockey for a bit, all three of them skated around the lake and continued to play until it was nearly dark. They were out there for over six hours before they came in for some hot chocolate. What a great day!