I know that Easter is always supposed to come in the Spring time, but here in the Midwest you just never know what the weather would be like. I've been told that there as sometimes been snow on Easter! This was not the case yesterday. It was beee-u-ti-ful! Seventy-four degrees and sunny -- a bit windy, but sunny nevertheless. Yahoo. Alleluia!
Our Easter celebration started on Saturday with lots of fun with Mike's folks and Uncle Dave (who came on the train Saturday night. The boys got spoiled with a whole bag each of Easter goodies from Gram and Gramp, including a "craft" of making their own candy necklaces -- which they loved making and eating...and wore every day. We also dyed Easter eggs, which is always a good time.

Setting the table with our china (my Gramma R gave me hers as a wedding present), crystal, and our silver was a lot of fun. We served Easter dinner on Saturday night because we knew we'd be too full the next day from our brunch to also have a big dinner -- spreading out the tasty goodness. We had a leg of lamb that M grilled, mashed potatoes, asparagas, and garlic cheese rolls. Yummers!
Top that off with an Easter egg shaped cake and a couple of games of Pegs and Jokers and call it a night!
Easter morning started out with the boys looking for their baskets that the Bunny had hidden -- R found T's first (in the coat closet) and then with a little help from Uncle Dave, R found his own (in the drier). They both thought that the hiding places were hilarious, as in, "can you believe that the Easter Bunny hid my basket in the DRIER???!!!"
Then we got our Easter finest on and headed out to a great place for brunch (T wants to eat there every day!) and had a really nice time. Somehow, while we were gone, the Easter Bunny struck again and hid plastic eggs in the house full of quarters. (T suggested that we leave again to see if the Bunny would come EVERY time we left the house.) Too much fun!

The rest of the day was casual and a lot of fun -- including more Pegs and Jokers, with R playing and holding his own, joking around like he was one of the guys. Of courese, there was a lot of horsing around with Uncle Dave -- especially by R, who thinks that this uncle is is own jungle gym. We also hung out on the deck and ate appetizers at around 4:00 as our dinner. It was a great way to spend the holiday -- with family.
The Easter Bunny also brought a giant faux chocolate bunny, which still has a place of distinction in our dining room. Like the Veggie Tale song goes...The bunny, the bunny, oh I love the bunny...